Glasgow Corporate Address Gazetteer Property Classifications

Catchy title. This is just highlighting a dataset that has been made available through the Glasgow Future Cities project: Glasgow CAG.

Glasgow CAG

The Glasgow Corporate Address Gazetteer (CAG) contains property co-ordinates, classification, and address among other information.

Example of classifications in west end of Glasgow. Slightly difficult to use due to the gazetteer nature but the Scottish Data Transfer Format (SDTF) format is provided with the data.

Glasgow Subcrawl Map

Created using the QGIS atlas generation feature. Does not contain all pubs, only the ones that were in Open Street Map at the time of creation.

Glasgow’s (in)famous sub-crawl, a mightily booze-sodden tour of the city via its subway. Participants buy an all-day Discovery ticket (£3.80) for the world’s third-oldest underground system (London is oldest, then Budapest) and get off for a drink at the nearest pub to all 15 stations on the six-and-a-half-mile circuit. By anyone’s standards, it is a stern test of constitution, and often used as a coming-of-age ceremony for graduating students.

The Guardian

Click on the image to see all stations in the flickr album.

1 of 15 - Hillhead