Creating OpenStreetMap History Visualisations

I created a couple of OSM visualisations for my talk at the OSGeo Ireland conference.

See: History of OpenStreetMap in Ireland

These are pretty easy to make, but take a fair bit of time. I did mine for Ireland, but should work with any part of the world.

Required software:

  • PostgreSQL with PostGIS
  • Python
  • QGIS
  • osmium-tools

This is the trickiest part, installing osmium-tools: here.


An OSM full history export. The best source for these is GEOFABRIK.

For Ireland:

Due to GDPR, you will have to log in with an OSM id to download the full history extracts. User ID’s are personal data.


The workflow is pretty simple. Osmium-tools provides pretty easy API access to the history files, where you can provide a data, and it will extract what OSM was like at that date. We simply need to loop through the desired dates we want to extract, and pipe the results into a workflow that loads the data into PostgreSQL. The final step is simply rendering in QGIS using the time manager plugin.

Python Script:

Github GIST:

The tables in the database will be:

  • lines
  • multilinestrings
  • multipolygons
  • other_relations
  • points

Each feature will be tagged with the date it is associated with.


To visualise the data in QGIS we use simply use the excellent time manager plugin, filtering on the load_date field and with a monthly interval.


QGIS Select Within Plugin 0.4

Runs through each geometry that you want to select from and tests if the centroid or the point of surface central point falls within the selecting geometry. If the central point falls within the selecting polygon, it is usually mostly inside the selecting geometry.

Or selecting based on percentage overlap. By default dissolving the selecting features first.

Useful if you are splitting up a polygon layer based on a polygon coverage layer, as each polygon will only end up in one of the selecting polygon areas. Unlike with an Intersects query which would return the geometry twice if it is on the border one on each side, or a Within query, which would not return the geometry at all. Very useful if your selection and selecting geometries have similar boundaries.

Version 0.4 brings a couple of new features to the Select Within plugin.

Most importantly it now supports mostly within and percentage within selections.

Also introduced is Pole of Inaccessibility within selections. As implemented in the QGIS core with the Polylabel algorithm:

Point within selection examples. Centroid (red), Point on Surface (green), and Pole of Inaccessibility (blue):


Centroid within:

Point on Surface within:

Pole of Inaccessibility within (1.0 tolerance):

50% within:

75% within:

GitHub Code Base

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GitHub Issues

Original Post:
Centroid Within Selection in QGIS