Copying Rasters in PostGIS

I ran into a process where I wanted to create copies of rasters in PostgreSQL. While seemingly a simple process this took me a bit of work to figure out.

For my workflow I had three rasters, which all have the same size, and I want to load them into the same PostGIS table with three raster geometry columns. I don’t think this will work for different sized rasters since the rid’s will not match.

Three rasters:

Which I want to copy into:

First to create the merged raster table:

CREATE TABLE merged_raster


  rid serial NOT NULL,

  raster1 raster,

  raster2 raster,

  raster3 raster


Then to add the rid’s. These are the id’s of the tiles that the raster was split into when loading. If your tile size is large enough then you may only have one.

INSERT INTO merged_raster(rid)

(SELECT rid FROM raster1);

Then copying the actual data is straighforward (this assumes the raster column in the raster1 datasets is called rast):

UPDATE merged_raster m

SET raster1 = r.rast

FROM raster1 r

WHERE r.rid = m.rid;

UPDATE merged_raster m

SET raster2 = r.rast

FROM raster2 r

WHERE r.rid = m.rid;

UPDATE merged_raster m

SET raster3 = r.rast

FROM raster3 r

WHERE r.rid = m.rid;

Now I still have an issue that QGIS will not load these layers. It will always load the initial raster column no matter what is chosen.

Anaconda install with OSGeo4W

I was coming across some errors when installing Anaconda, Miniconda specifically.

I think part of the reason is I have quite a few installs of Python due to OSGeo4W.

My error:

Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'

Current thread 0x00002554 (most recent call first):

The solution:

Update the activate.bat file that is called when launching from the start menu. For me located in:


We need to add in the following to clear out and reset the python environment before launching anaconda:


@SET PYTHONHOME=C:\ProgramData\Anaconda

@PATH C:\ProgramData\Anaconda;C:\ProgramData\Anaconda\Scripts;%PATH%

So, editing the file from:

@REM Test first character and last character of %1 to see if first character is a "

@REM   but the last character isn't.

@REM This was a bug as described in

@REM When Anaconda Prompt has the form

@REM   %windir%\system32\cmd.exe "/K" "C:\Users\builder\Miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat" "C:\Users\builder\Miniconda3"

@REM Rather than the correct

@REM    %windir%\system32\cmd.exe /K ""C:\Users\builder\Miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat" "C:\Users\builder\Miniconda3""

@REM this solution taken from

@set "_args1=%1"

@set _args1_first=%_args1:~0,1%

@set _args1_last=%_args1:~-1%

@set _args1_first=%_args1_first:"=+%

@set _args1_last=%_args1_last:"=+%

@set _args1=

@if "%_args1_first%"=="+" if NOT "%_args1_last%"=="+" (

    @CALL "%~dp0..\Library\bin\conda.bat" activate

    @GOTO :End


@CALL "%~dp0..\Library\bin\conda.bat" activate %*


@set _args1_first=

@set _args1_last=


@REM Test first character and last character of %1 to see if first character is a "

@REM   but the last character isn't.

@REM This was a bug as described in

@REM When Anaconda Prompt has the form

@REM   %windir%\system32\cmd.exe "/K" "C:\Users\builder\Miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat" "C:\Users\builder\Miniconda3"

@REM Rather than the correct

@REM    %windir%\system32\cmd.exe /K ""C:\Users\builder\Miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat" "C:\Users\builder\Miniconda3""

@REM this solution taken from

@set "_args1=%1"

@set _args1_first=%_args1:~0,1%

@set _args1_last=%_args1:~-1%

@set _args1_first=%_args1_first:"=+%

@set _args1_last=%_args1_last:"=+%

@set _args1=


@SET PYTHONHOME=C:\ProgramData\Anaconda

@PATH C:\ProgramData\Anaconda;C:\ProgramData\Anaconda\Scripts;%PATH%

@if "%_args1_first%"=="+" if NOT "%_args1_last%"=="+" (

    @CALL "%~dp0..\Library\bin\conda.bat" activate

    @GOTO :End


@CALL "%~dp0..\Library\bin\conda.bat" activate %*


@set _args1_first=

@set _args1_last=

Updating the paths as required.

This just clears out the python and windows environmental variables before launching, similar to what OSGeo4W does.